at scale

Curbing global temperature rise to 1.5°C will take commitment, partnership and tonnes of innovative solutions like carbon removal and geologic sequestration. That’s why 1PointFive is working closely with leading organizations to develop practical pathways to achieve society’s climate targets.

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So how much CO2 must the world remove?

Hoover Dam filled with representative blue CO2 spheres

More than the Hoover Dam could hold.

The Hoover Dam could hold the equivalent volume of approximately 67 million tonnes of CO2.

Globally, we emit that much CO2 about every 13 hours.


Million Tonnes of CO2

Packed stadium with pile of blue CO2 "spheres"

A stadium full. Every seven seconds.

An average football stadium’s volume is approximately 90 million cubic feet—that’s equivalent to approximately 4,700 tonnes of CO2. IPCC analyses find that up to 20,000 million tonnes per year (MTPA) of CO2 will need to be removed from the atmosphere to achieve global climate targets by 2050. That means removing a stadium full of CO2 every seven seconds.


Tonnes CO2

1PointFive blue logo mark

That's why we're starting big.

Net zero is a big challenge, but we have some of the best teams and technologies working the problem. 1PointFive is developing what is expected to be the world’s largest Direct Air Capture facility. Our first DAC facility, STRATOS, is designed to capture up to 500,000 tonnes per year when fully operational and is expected to begin commercial operations in mid-2025. Thinking big. Working together. That’s how you make a difference.