South Texas DAC Hub

1PointFive has partnered with King Ranch in South Texas to gain access to 106,000 subsurface acres with surface access that could support a Direct Air Capture (DAC) and sequestration hub with up to 30 million metric tonnes of CO2 removal every year through DAC and a storage capacity of 3 billion metric tonnes.

South Texas Landscape


Over 6.6 MILLION gasoline-powered passenger vehicles driven for one year

Over 3 BILLION gallons of gasoline consumed

Nearly 6 MILLION homes’ electricity use for one year

* Equivalencies sourced from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator | US EPA

So, What is Direct Air Capture?

DAC is the process of removing CO2 directly from the atmosphere. 1PointFive uses Carbon Engineering’s technology to pull CO2 out of the air. The captured CO2 then goes through a series of processes for purification and compression.

CO2 Storage

Once captured, purified and compressed, the CO2 can either be securely stored underground or used to make new products such as cement or low-carbon fuels. Initially, 1PointFive plans to store CO2 deep underground in geologic formations through a process called geologic sequestration. In this process, CO2 would be stored deep underground–more than 10,000 feet (nearly two miles!). Geologic sequestration is a proven method of CO2 storage that has been in use for decades. Our parent company, Oxy, has over 50 years of experience in geologic CO2 storage and the 1PointFive teams will leverage that data, experience and expertise to develop the sequestration sites at the South Texas hub. CO2 storage plans will be approved and monitored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Reducing Industrial Emissions

With our CO2 storage operations at the South Texas Hub at the South Texas (Kleberg County), we’ll also have the capability to store CO2 captured at industrial facilities along the U.S. Gulf Coast to help reduce emissions associated with those industrial operations.

Bridge over ship channel in South Texas

The South Texas Hub: By the Numbers


subsurface acres leased


feet below the surface, the expected CO2 storage capacity (7,000 feet further than the deepest source of underground drinking water)


monitoring wells for each injection (storage) well

up to 30,000,000

tonnes per year of CO2 removal potential through DAC

up to 3,000,000,000

tonnes of estimated CO2 storage capacity

Project Partners

As we design our project, build it and operate it, our highest priority is to conduct our business in a manner that respects, protects and benefits the welfare of our employees, surrounding communities and the environment. A critical component of our project will be working with local organizations to support that commitment.

Project Next Steps


Drill stratigraphic test wells that allow us to collect more detailed information about the site geology. These help us better define our site plan and inform our engineering teams.


Apply for Class VI well permit with the U.S. EPA.


Continue front-end engineering and design (FEED) for the first South Texas Hub Direct Air Capture facility, which is being designed to capture up to one million tonnes of CO2 per year.

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